A Poor Dog Has Been Starved For Many Years, Only Skin And Bones Then Amazing Transformations!


Unfortunately her past was filled with abuse and neglect Angel’s previous owner starved her for days leaving her to become severely malnourished and dehydrated when Rescuers found her. She was just skin and bones and couldn’t even get up it was clear that angel was dyingRescue from the heart a rescue organization heard about angel’s situation and immediately. The shelter workers took angel in and began to nurse back to health

They provided her with food water and Medical Care, at first it seemed like Angel’s recovery was going to be a long and a difficult role, she was weak and barely had the energy to move.

However as time passed Angel started to show signs of improvement her eyes once dull and lifeless began to shine with hope and happiness

She was grateful for every bit of attention and care she received, as Angel’s Health continued to improve she started to show more and more of her true personality she loved to play and run around the shelter’s yard