After Being Abused And Ignored For Years, A Husky With A Bullet Collapsed In A Backyard To Die

We arrived to find the husky covered in mange and barely alive, I promised him i would get him help, and save his life. He used “all his might” to lift his head up, as if he was saying help me please…The hour it took us to drive him to the emergency vet was the longest hour I had ever gone through.

My heart pounded with anxiety as i monitored his every breath, knowing each moment was crucial to his survival. The poor dog was in such bad shape he couldn’t open his eyes We named him Jade!! After reviewing the x-rays ourselves, we believe he has a bullet or pellet lodged in his body, As if he hasn’t suffered enough, people were intentially cruel to him.

Jake didn’t get this way overnight, or even in a few days. Hundreds, even thousands, of people ignored him. He deserved so much better than the life he was handed. Jake decided after being syringe fed that food is too good to pass up

Two week later, Jake is proving to be the biggest miracle of them all! He got the strength to stand up and walk a bit, with support of course! We are so proud of his determination and will. Jake continues to do well! Still no setbacks and small improvements daily.

He goes for short walks around daily with support It’s crazy seeing him stand up and walk he’s so much taller than we thought, and we were the ones who first saw him He started physical therapy yesterdayHe was very tired after his first session but he did really well.