Abandoned Dog Bites Leash in Tears, Hit By Car, Just To Cross The Road To Seek Owner

This golden retriever had been struggling along the roadside, her hind legs clearly injured, causing her to limp painfully. With a leash around her neck, we realized she belonged to someone, yet there was no owner in sight. The busy traffic made us anxious as she repeatedly tried to cross. We hesitated, hoping her owner would appear.

Eventually, we couldn’t stand by any longer and approached her. It was then we noticed her severely injured hind legs, bleeding and crushed. Some onlookers doubted she could be saved, but we refused to give up hope. Rushing her to a local vet, we were advised to seek specialist care due to the severity of her injuries.

Further examinations revealed her leg was beyond saving; amputation was the only option. The look in her eyes was one of confusion and fear as she faced this new reality. Despite our hopes to save her legs, we knew her survival was the priority. The decision weighed heavily, but it was made with her best interest in mind.

The surgery was a success, and in time, she adjusted to life on three legs. Her resilience and trust in us grew stronger each day. What began as a heart-wrenching rescue turned into a story of healing and second chances. She now runs and plays, embodying the spirit of perseverance against all odds.

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