Owner’s Urgent Cry for Help Sets in Motion a Miraculous Journey, Saving a Precious Canine Life

Hayden Howard sensed something was amiss with her dog last spring. While Hayden was at home, Jackson, her English mastiff, played in the backyard.

When she called him, he appeared to have been severely bitten by insects. When she looked closer at the wounds, she found they were far worse.

The veterinarian had to shave off a lot of Jackson’s hair to retrieve the bullets since there were so many of them. He extracted a total of 27 bullets and was compelled to leave 20 more in the dog’s body to avoid further injury.

Furthermore, the veterinarian discovered 20 additional gunshot wounds in Jackson’s body. He was shot more than 70 times.

They soon discovered concealed rounds and a weapon in an adjacent residence. The next-door neighbor had previously been convicted of drug-related offenses.

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