Chained Outdoors For 2 Years, The Dog Was Reduced To Skin And Bones With Many Diseases

Can you believe it, this is where Beibei the dog lived for two years. There was no roof, not even a decent mattress. Even without water, animals must drink rainwater and dew on the ground. Around here there is only trash and moldy food. Dozens of flies constantly attack the surroundings.

The owner is too busy with work and is not often here. So Beibei is rarely given attention and is rarely fed. Looking at its appearance is truly pitiful. It must have been very lonely and helpless.

She seemed unbelievably happy to see someone coming to visit her. Even though we were just strangers meeting each other for the first time. The dog wagged its tail and jumped up and down extremely excitedly. Trying to get closer and wanting to be touched by us. It is so thin that it only weighs 2 kilograms.

Try to please us. The owner of the animal also appeared indifferent and was willing to let me take it away. The dog still didn’t understand what was happening and was still looking at his place one last time.

Maybe this place is just full of sad memories for her. The animal said its final goodbyes and then voluntarily went with us. She was taken to the hospital for a medical examination. And also shaved and cleaned by the nurses before leaving the hospital. It is really docile and warm. It’s just that she’s never been treated well before. So, always be extremely grateful to us. After three months of care, the new fur is starting to grow back. Weight also increased significantly.

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