So Heartbreaking: He Lost Part of his Tongue, was Chained and Starved for a long time.. his Condition is very Critical.

An animal rescue group is calling one dog’s journey from being chained outside a home for weeks one of the worse cases of animal neglect it has ever seen.

Those who work with Beauties & Beasts say they didn’t think Chevelle would survive another night when he was rescued from a home in late October. Now, the non-profit organization says he is at a local veterinary hospital fighting for his life.

“He was chained, he didn’t have access to water,” said Beauties & Beasts board member and volunteer Jennifer Sanders.

“He smelled horrible, the volunteer who transported him said it’s a smell she’ll never forget. and what they discovered is he’s missing a large percentage of his tongue. and that tissue had already become very infected and necrotic.”

Chevelle was sent to Kansas State University to try and determine what was causing the necrosis. When his condition started to deteriorate, volunteers drove him up to Colorado State University to seek further help

Dear God, I pray she will overcome it and live happily ❤️

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