Bones Wanted To Pierce Skin He Had To Lean His Head Into My Hand To Stand Up

A dog wandering aimlessly looking buff for food and shelter his body was so thin and fragile his exposed ribs telling a story of the of neglect and malnourishment. We couldn’t leave the dog there to fend for himself so we decided to take him home.

We named him Scooby and he quickly became a part of our family however it was clear that Scooby had been through a lot his he was skittish and afraid of strangers and he couldn’t even Master the energy to Wagga Steel we knew we had to do something to help him

Scooby was suffering from a range of health issues including malnourishment and dehydration it was clear that he had a long journey ahead of us if we wanted to nurse him back to health. We spent the next few weeks caring for Scooby and around the clock

Slowly but surely we began to see a change in him his court became shinier and he started to put on weight he even started to wag his tail again

It was amazing to see the transformation in him he went from a sad lonely dog to a happy Playful Pup. Who Loved nothing more than spending time with his new family one day while we were out on a walk we met a family who were looking to adopt a dog

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