A Jaw Broken Saliva Drooling Looked Ugly, She Cried People Just Shooed Her Away In Panick…

Little Mika’s journey began on December 10, 2023, when she was discovered sobbing on the street with a broken jaw. Despite her pain, she still showed trust in humans, wagging her tail when approached.

Her condition was dire, and immediate action was necessary. With her shivering uncontrollably, we rushed her to a larger vet clinic, determined to provide her with the care she desperately needed.

Though frightened of abandonment, Mika remained resilient, her tail wagging as we reassured her. Despite the lack of an appointment, kind souls allowed us to move up in the queue, recognizing the urgency of Mika’s situation.

Following a successful surgery and receiving pain relief, Mika spent the next 24 hours recovering in a special enclosure. The following day, her spirits lifted as she showed signs of improvement, even managing to eat a little.

With each passing day, Mika’s confidence grew, evident in her playful demeanor and bright eyes. After the removal of her bandages, eating became easier for her, and she steadily gained weight, signaling her journey towards recovery.

Regular meals and veterinary check-ups ensured Mika’s continued progress. Her transformation from a frightened, injured stray to a happy, healthy pup was nothing short of miraculous. Reflecting on Mika’s journey, we are filled with joy and gratitude. Her story is a testament to the power of compassion and perseverance, a reminder that every life, no matter how broken, holds the potential for redemption and happiness.

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