The Skinny Puppy Lost All Faith Because He Was Starved for Many Days

He arrived in my arms with the frail and exhausted body unable to even stand on the feeble legs. It was a heartbreaking sight but I was determined to help him regain his strength and bring back.

The spark of life in his eyes thank you the first day is very critical as Wei’s condition was Dire. His body was ravaged by sickness and his appetite was non-existent.

We worked tirelessly with the Vets transfusing blood and the protein to nourish his weak frame, at time it seemed as if he had given up hope but his but his Spirit flickering like a dying Flame but I refused to let him go without a fight

I remained by his side constantly offering gentle caress and showering him with love. Hoping to instill in him the trust that had been Shattered by his past. It was a joyous moment when he took his first wobbly steps supported by my encouraging spirit

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