Just because Half of his Face was Severely Necrotic, he was Abandoned by his Owner.. there are really NO words to describe!

A resident called Liliane Lima and said there was a dog in urgent need of help. The person said she went to her friend’s house and discovered a very injured dog lying in a hole nearby.

She was shocked to learn that her friend, the owner of the dog, intentionally left him there thinking he would not survive.

Liliane was so upset with the owner’s unacceptable behavior, she rushed to the scene in the night
When she arrived, she saw a dog lying in the corner of a hole, he was very desperate.
The worse was that the wound on his face was so serious that it had gangrene and left a big hole in his face

Liliane rushed him to the hospital. His wound took a long time to treat

Thank God, the crisis is finally over, he is recovering very well ❤️

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