Billions of Ticks are eating away at the poor puppy’s ears… the owner who abandoned him doesn’t care one bit!

I thought baby my God he’s in looks terrible and he was just trying to eat some scraps there that they gave him

Touch him and I mean he’s full of ticks so when you touch him you you touch all . The ticks and all the things that are there moving but under that there only skin and bones this do dog has been left in this condition for God knows how long

Really bad shape poor baby he must have suffered so much this is what happens when you abandon your dog terrible let’s go let’s go to the hospital

He’s in he’s in pretty bad shape he has anemia he’s tired he’s exhausted he has billions of ticks all over his body he has L manases and lesions all over his..he had a really really bad bad uh bad case

After a period of careful care, the rescuers helped him get rid of ticks on his body.. he is recovering..A kind family adopted him and raised him into a good child… thank God

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