A Rosie Life for an Abandoned Pup

When Essentials PetCare opened its doors about a year ago, we didn’t have to wait long before our first patient was carried through the door.

She was a tiny, almost completely hairless Chihuahua. After finding her abandoned on the street, kind Officer Esposito brought her to see us. The trembling little dog was promptly named “Rosie” for the bright pink, inflamed skin exposed due to a terrible case of demodectic mange. This is the same condition that almost took the life of Annie, the pup who inspired our mission at Essentials PetCare.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for us to start making life better for Rosie.

Using an over-the-counter shampoo and about $100 in services and medications, we successfully treated this down-on-her-luck pocket pup. She is now a happy, healthy dog who is thriving in her forever home.

For dogs like Rosie and Annie, who may have been abandoned by families who could not care for them, our mission is a life saver. Essentials PetCare wants to make sure all families can get quality veterinary services for their pets at an affordable price.

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