The owner abandoned his dying dog at the veterinary clinic! Look what happened!

Stinger is a pit bull, he was born deaf and perhaps this is partly the reason for his sad story. The dog was walking on the street and, coming across an unusual object for him, decided to stir up the wasp nest. This made the nest residents extremely angry and they attacked the poor dog. Suffering thousands of bites, the dog barely escaped them.

At home, he had a high fever, his whole body was itchy and swollen. The owners decided to take the dog to the vet, but not for treatment, they had other plans. Unfortunately, that was also the last time Stinger saw his old family because they abandoned him at the veterinary clinic in such a terrible condition, asking to be euthanized because of the cost of his treatment high.

But luckily for Stinger, the veterinarian contacted me, in the animal rescue society. The moment they called me about the Stinger, I dropped everything I was doing and ran to my car. It took at least an hour to get to the clinic, but the long journey didn’t bother me at all! When I saw him, I realized that he needed us, no matter what, and we just had to do everything in our power to keep him alive.

The dog had a high fever and itchy skin for several days. Wasp stings are very painful. Few people are willing to care for a dog like this for the rest of its days, but Stinger didn’t give up, he really wanted to live. When all his health issues were finally resolved, things began to change for Stinger. His skin began to heal and the pain subsided. Luckily, Stinger is now very happy and loved at the shelter.

He cannot be adopted because of the care costs he will have to pay throughout his life, very few people can spend that much money on their pets. He will stay here with me where he will receive lots of love and affection for the rest of his life.

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