Abandoned By Her Cruel Owner In An Extremely Pitiful State, Life Seems To Be Only 1% Left… But She Still Waits For Her Owner To Return.

Meet Angela!! She was an extremely pitiful little dog who was abused for about 10 years of her life. Without a home or shelter, she had to live in that small, cold cage her whole life. She would never have been found and escaped that hell if they hadn’t sold the house.

There are no words to describe her condition. In a small filthy cage she lay, a living embodiment of neglect and cruelty. Her body was a canvas of wounds and injuries the result of years of abuse extreme malnutrition. Had left her frail and weak unable to lift her own body and as if the physical torment .

She is on her way to the Vet to see if there is any way to save her…She had to be bathed as soon as she arrived at the Vet because she was full of excrement

At the moment they are focused on stabilizing her to be able to perform surgery on her. She barely weighs much, she’s extremely malnourished. Angela is eating her special food for liver problems. They feed her at Vet 4 times a day. She is eating very well and doing her needs very well… In approximately 1 week Angela will undergo surgery to treat the infection in her uterus.

And after 1 week the surgery was successful, she recovered very well, could walk on her own, she was really brave and strong.

Angela is completely disease free. And the good news she found her forever home. Thank you Angela for allowing us to come into your life and having the privilege to walk with you in your healing. Have a happy long life sweety.

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