Jeremy Kyle show hearing reveals heartbreaking final text of man who died of overdose days after appearing on show

Warning: This article contains discussion of suicide which some readers may find distressing

A hearing into the death of a man who died of an overdose just days after appearing on The Jeremy Kyle Show has revealed his heartbreaking final text message.

The hearing is an inquest into the man’s death, which will officially determine the cause of his death – and contributing factors which may have led to this.

Steve Dymond, from Portsmouth, died at the age of 63 of an overdose and heart problems just seven days after filming an episode of The Jeremy Kyle Show in May 2019.

Steve Dymond appeared on The Jeremy Kyle Show in 2019 (ITV)

Steve Dymond appeared on The Jeremy Kyle Show in 2019 (ITV)

His son, Carl Woolley, spoke at the inquest this week and said that prior to his death, his father had described feeling ‘thrown under the bus’ by the ITV show.

Dymond had appeared on The Jeremy Kyle Show accused of cheating on his ex-fiancée Jane Callaghan, and was subjected to a lie detector test, which he failed.

Wooley said in a witness statement: “He told me he was made out to be a baddie… and that no one had given him any chance to put his point across, and that Jeremy Kyle was constantly ‘on him’.

“I said to him at one point: ‘What did you expect going on a show like that?’ and he said to me that he hadn’t realised he would be made a mockery of.

Dymond sadly died at the age of 63 (PA/Hampshire Police)

Dymond sadly died at the age of 63 (PA/Hampshire Police)

“He said he felt he was thrown under a bus.”

Wooley said his father had also told him that Kyle had ‘egged on’ the audience.

The inquest, being held at Winchester Coroner’s Court, also revealed Dymond’s final text message.

Sent to Callaghan over Whatsapp, he continued to protest his innocence.

He said: “They are responsible for what happens now, I hope this makes good ratings for them, I bet they keep this quiet.

“Never did I cheat on you, never, never. My final words. I did try to explain to you, but you would not listen.”

Dymond reportedly claimed that Kyle 'egged on' the crowd to boo him (ITV)

Dymond reportedly claimed that Kyle ‘egged on’ the crowd to boo him (ITV)

The hearing also revealed a note left for Dymond’s son.

Rachel Spearing, counsel to the inquest, explained: “He says: ‘I never ever cheated on Jane and that is what is tearing me to pieces and everyone thinks I am but I’m not a cheat. But I did tell her lies and I lied so much to Jane and that is why she didn’t believe me’.”

Spearing reiterated that while the inquest will be looking into the circumstance of Dymond’s death, no civil or criminal liability will be decided.

LADbible has contacted ITV for comment.

If you’re experiencing distressing thoughts and feelings, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is there to support you. They’re open from 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year. Their national number is 0800 58 58 58 and they also have a webchat service if you’re not comfortable talking on the phone.

Featured Image Credit: ITV / PA/Hampshire police

Topics: Mental HealthTVITV

Jeremy Kyle breaks silence on wife's devastating miscarriage this year

Jeremy Kyle breaks silence on wife’s devastating miscarriage this year

Jeremy and Victoria Kyle have suffered two losses, but are now opening up about their experience with miscarriages after falling pregnant

Britt Jones

Britt Jones

The one and only day-time TV host that shocked and entertained the nation has come out to talk about what he really felt when he and his wife had to go through an awful miscarriage before falling pregnant with their ‘rainbow baby’.

Jeremy Kyle and Victoria Kyle have been through the worst after the loss of their baby, which is now the second time they have been through child loss during pregnancy.

The TalkTV presenter, recently came out to share that he and his wife are now expecting his sixth child, but the road to this happy news has been marked with sadness after their ‘emotional rollercoaster’.

Having previously lost a baby at nine weeks gestation in 2019 before conceiving their son, Oliver, they also sadly lost another in March this year.

Jeremy Kyle and Victoria have a son together who was conceived after their first miscarriage in 2029.

Instagram/ @jkyleofficial

Victoria recalled how the first loss impacted her after being delivered the terrible news that there was no heartbeat at an early eight-week scan.

She said: “It was devastating. People say, ‘It’s so early, it’s just a bunch of cells’, but as a woman you can’t help but get attached to what’s going on in your body.”

But the heartbreak didn’t end there, as there was a further blow to be dealt when she was due to have a procedure to remove the foetus and a heartbeat was found.

After one week of waiting and hoping, they were then told that the pregnancy wasn’t viable, and they would lose the baby.

The presenter has been very candid about his feelings during this time, speaking about how hard it was for himself and his wife.

The pair are expecting their second child together after losing a baby in March.

Instagram/ @jkyleofficial

He said to The Mirror: “The second miscarriage was the hardest for Vic. Because we’d had one before, we tried not to get excited. It was an emotional rollercoaster.”

After suffering through two losses, the pair decided not to try for another and went on to relocate from London to the coast to start fresh, but Victoria would go on to have a spiritual encounter that could lead her to hope for another.

During a reiki healing to help with her grieving process, Victoria said she got a message from the TV host’s late mum Nanette, telling her they would have a baby girl in the future.

Victoria said: “The lady kept saying she could see pink and we were going to have a girl. She said, ‘I can see you holding a little girl’s hand with Oliver. The little girl has got a dress on that has bright red roses all over it.”

Kyle will become a dad of six.

Instagram/ @jkyleofficial

“Jez’s mum’s favourite flower was a red rose – she had red roses everywhere in her garden. It felt like that was his mum saying there’s going to be a little girl coming along.”

Jeremy explained: “Fast forward – and this will freak you out – we’ve moved to the coast and Vic’s ordered loads of duvet sets and pillows from Next and in the middle, unordered, was a pair of girls’ pink dungarees with red roses all over them. There weren’t any clothes in this order.”

The pair are now expecting their little girl, who is due next year.