Encountered An Unexpected Accident, The Dog Almost Lost His Life When He Collapsed In A Dirty Gutter

Today, amidst the darkness of the night, I stumbled upon a sight that etched itself into my memory—a dog, lying helplessly in the gutter, fear etched in his eyes, his body unable to move due to an apparent injury. It was evident that he had been involved in a tragic accident with a passing car.

With a sense of urgency, we rushed him to the “In Safe Hands” clinic on Novy Cheryomushki Street, where he was greeted with warmth and care. Despite his pain, he devoured his meal with gusto, a testament to his hunger and resilience.

The diagnosis revealed a grim reality—a fracture and severe spondylolisthesis throughout his spine, rendering him unable to walk, compounded by his hefty weight of 50 kg. Alongside him, we encountered an elderly man battling kidney failure and multiple organ tumors, his frail body a canvas of suffering.

Together, we tended to their needs, bathing them with care and delicacy, mindful of their pain and limitations. Eric, as we came to know him, found solace in the warmth of his room, his mornings spent basking in the sun, reminiscent of happier times.

The road to recovery was long and arduous, marked by countless injections and vigilant monitoring. Though progress was slow, there was hope—Eric’s hind legs showed signs of improvement, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness of his illness.

While the journey ahead remains uncertain, we find solace in the knowledge that we have saved Eric from the brink, offering him a chance at a life free from pain and suffering. As we continue to monitor his progress, we remain hopeful for a brighter tomorrow, filled with the promise of healing and renewal.

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