The Skinny Dog Was Abandoned In A Remote Garden

A short call from an anonymous person this morning alerted us to a dog in critical condition. Initially skeptical due to past prank calls, we rushed to the location mentioned. It was a vast orchard recently plowed after harvest, making our search daunting and exhausting.

Soon, near a tree, I spotted her—a dog lying exposed to the scorching sun without shade. Despair filled her eyes, and she appeared incredibly thin, her ribs and bones protruding painfully through her skin. Her life of wandering had clearly left her famished and parched.

As we gently approached, she blinked softly, almost pleading for salvation. It was then I noticed her leg, broken and untreated for what seemed like a long time—a tragic reminder of past neglect or accident. She had spent the day here without food or water, enduring unimaginable pain.

Wrapping her in warm blankets, we carefully lifted her into a cage and hurried to the veterinary clinic. The medical team is now doing everything possible to treat her. We can only wait, hoping and praying for a positive outcome for this poor soul.

The sight of her suffering deeply moved us all, stirring emotions of empathy and determination. No animal should endure such neglect and suffering. We’re committed to giving her the care and love she deserves, promising to stay by her side through her journey to recovery.