Dog’s Rescue From Severe Skin Disease, Wounds Full Of Maggots, And Hematoma

This is Natu, a injured dog who was starving to death and suffering from mange until RRSA India stepped in to save him. Natu was discovered in a desolate area where animal rescuers found him, initially taken aback by his frightening appearance. His fur was matted and patchy, his skin raw and inflamed, with an open wound infested with maggots.

Approaching Natu with caution, the rescue team slowly gained his trust by offering food and speaking to him in soothing tones. They had to use a net to catch him, fearing he might run away. Despite his initial fear, Natu remained surprisingly calm throughout the rescue process.

Once safely contained, Natu was transported to a RRSA India veterinary clinic, where a team of skilled professionals immediately began his treatment. Despite the pain he must have endured, Natu remained remarkably stoic, allowing the veterinarians to tend to his wounds without so much as a whimper, as if he understood they were trying to help him.

The veterinarians confirmed the presence of a hematoma, highlighting the severity of Natu’s condition. RRSA efforts are only possible with your support. Your donations enable RRSA India to provide critical medical treatment and care to animals like Natu, giving them a second chance at life.

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