Abandoned Doberman Was Found Severe Emaciated, in Horrible Shape, Hopless He Breaks Our Heart

Yesterday we found this emaciated Doberman, we named him Albus Dumbledore. He breaks our heart.
The little tail wag..
Poor guy is in horrible shape. We’re hoping it’s not cancer, but we’ll run all the tests to see what he needs. He has a big, open tumor, upper respiratory, and no appetite. We’re so thankful for the kind humans who helped us find him! He was so ready to get help.

We’ve done a lot of testing and we are still waiting for results, but everything is pointing to cancer. Thankfully, he is eating now (and he’s eating really good!) He has to have small meals due to how malnourished he is, but he’s doing great in that aspect. He loves to lay in the sun. We will do everything we can to give him the beautiful life he deserves. He’s so majestic.

He has sarcoptic mange, so we’re treating that. He’ll have to get healthier and more stable before we do a mass removal and send the entire tumor in for testing before we have results on staging, what kind of cancer, etc.
But for now, he’s doing well and we have high hopes for this angel. It’s unbelievable to think that someone could let this happen to such a kind and majestic creature. But we’ll do what we do best – take what others think of as disposable and turn them into a legend.

He is eating great, still taking his meds like a champ, and the sores on his hips are almost gone. He has been playing with the other dogs in the foster home – He trots around with them and he’s learning to potty outside, too! He even gets to go to work with his foster mom, Mary.
You are AMAZING, Albus!!! Everyone in the whole world is rooting for you, buddy!

When he came to us, he was emaciated, defeated, and feeling bad. He was just 54 pounds.
Now this happy, healthy, confident Doberman boy is a whopping 96 pounds!! His eyes are soft, his head is up! He wants to tell you all thank you! It’s because of YOU he got this chance.

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