Lucky is believed to have been thrown onto the tracks by an unknown person with the intention of causing his death, the poor little animal struggling in vain.

This was the first time we met Lucky about 3 months ago in an extremely critical situation. Lucky is believed to have been thrown onto the tracks by an unknown person with the intention of causing his death.

t was a breathless situation, the poor little animal struggling in vain. At the last moment, luckily the train was able to stop before crushing the dog.

Lucky came back to life from death’s door, just narrowly avoiding passing under the wheels of a train. However, this caused panic and anger among railway employees.

Someone’s cruel act nearly took the life of an animal, interrupting the journey and leaving everyone shocked. They also found the dog’s collar and leash nearby. Someone intentionally brought the dog here and left it on the tracks.

We also discovered that Lucky could not stand up or walk with his hind legs. I think his back was broken beforehand to make it impossible for the animal to escape. The x-ray results showed it was more serious than we thought.

Lucky suffered a broken spine and torn ligaments.

The surgery was quick and successful, and Lucky was allowed to return home after 6 days in the hospital. People wanted to knock him down, but they didn’t know that this dog had a warrior’s spirit. Every day, we practice and have fun with him. Although his hind legs are completely paralyzed, I feel that Lucky is happier and healthier every day.

He has learned to stand up and pull himself up while playing with us. To help it move again, we specially designed for him a two-wheeled vehicle that helps support his back body. Look at Lucky’s excited face when he uses it for the first time, he runs around the house with unconcealed joy.

We want to convey meaningful rescue stories through each post to spread the message: “Protect animals” because they, like humans, want to live and be loved. We thank you for your comments to help our page grow and share human values.🤍

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