What are some small random acts of kindness that you’ve seen people do that touched you that you made a point to also do in the future?

Place : Anupuram – Tamil Nadu – INDIA.

We were on our way to office, and had stopped to pick up a colleague from the nearby area. While waiting, we saw this.

​God knows how this happened.

This poor dog was crying for help and trying so hard to get out of the gate. So, without any second thought, we (me and my driver) got down and tried to lift its back legs and push it out of the gate.

We couldn’t do it. The bars were closely spaced and the dog was too scared of strangers. It wasn’t allowing us to help. So we thought of lifting the dog with some pipe or something and then push it out of the gate.

Meanwhile the other staff members who were scared of dogs went in search of something that can lift the dog.

Some of them managed to get a hose pipe from a nearby garden and the others got a thick linen thread.

Then, our site manager did something like this.

​After several failed attempts, we finally succeeded.

This is what touched me: Some of them, who never cared about animals, went out to find something to save the dog.

The best part was…When it got out, it didn’t run away. Looked at us and wagged its tail. Thank You sign. I guess 🙂

​Some pictures are priceless. For me, this is one of them.

I am happy to share it here.

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