Little Dog With The Worst Life of Humanity: Only 1% of His Eyes Have The Ability to Recover, His Body is Unhealthy, Malnourished, He was Kidnapped and Used as Bait and Then Thrown Into a Ditch Like Trash!

He was used by dog beaters as a bait dog, stolen when the mother dog was not around.
And his life became hell from that moment.

He was tied up and hung up. When many other dogs ran towards him and bullied him, the dog thief would run out to catch them.

However, he was not able to make it in time, so he was attacked by a pack of wild dogs. His whole body was full of wounds, dog bites, old wounds then new ones, his ears were no longer intact, his eyes gradually blurred like the future itself. That’s his!

injuries all over his body, when he was so slow from pain that he was thrown into a ditch.
Thanks to God! he met good people and they brought him to the station and performed treatment.

Luckily, the little dog recovered quickly after 3 months, regaining his flexibility and playfulness like other puppies his age.

And moreover, a kind animal-loving family adopted him, and now the puppy has a real family, living in love and care.

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