He Wanted To Free Himself Because The Small Tumors And Ugliness On His Body Scared People


He lived in San Martin for many years, wandering the streets. How sad is the life of animals living on the streets. He went everywhere, knocking on every door, but everyone rejected him. The small tumors and ugliness on his body make people afraid. Polito appears to be a young dog about 2 years old. He was scared and tried to bite us several times because he thought we would hurt him. He did not know that God asked us to help him.

After several tense hours, he realized that the help he had been waiting for had finally arrived. He eventually calmed down and gave us a chance to take care of him. When he arrived at the hospital, Polito was still very afraid. When the doctors examined him, we had to use a wire to tie his mouth. Surely a lot of people hurt him on the streets because of his illness. Polito is a reflection of what many street animals go through. Polito suffers from TVT (tumors in different parts of the body) and needs chemotherapy.

All the help is not just about healing his body; it’s important to focus on healing his heart as well. This way recovery will be faster. We were very sad to see that Polito had such deep sadness in his heart. He doesn’t trust people, is afraid of everything, and always avoids people. We were at the Servivet Veterinary Clinic with Polito at the time. We were very sad because he did not want to eat. We tried many different foods but he felt so bad that he had no appetite. His hemoglobin is very low, so if he does not eat his condition will get worse.

We fed him with a syringe. He was given canned food called A/D, a special food for dogs in weak condition. The only way to force him to eat was to quickly put the syringe into his mouth. The medication seems to have worked and he feels better today. He eats several times a day, making us so happy that we cry. Polito trusted people and liked to be quiet. He loved us, and was so happy when we came to visit him. It is the process of giving love. His little eyes changed.

Polito was receiving chemotherapy from specialists. These chemotherapy sessions would destroy all the tumors in his body. His treatment consisted of at least 6 sessions. Until he’s completely healthy, we’ll stop. I get asked a lot about poor little Polito. And believe me – this is very good news. We are so happy for Polito, he has responded very well to chemotherapy. Some of his tumors have begun to dry up and shrink. Polito no longer felt uncomfortable, and soon fell asleep. In particular, today his legs are strong enough and he started walking again. Although he is still a little skinny, we will help him get back in shape.



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