A man Brutally Beating this Poor Hound and Then Throwing it in here like a Trash Can……The Poor Dog Lay There for Several Days but No One Helped, and The Wounds on his Legs Became the Flies’ Favorite Food…

Last week we received this video from someone in Romania who reported a poor greyhound in need of SOS help……The woman said I saw a man brutally beating this poor hound and then throwing it in here like a trash can…

The poor dog lay there for several days but no one helped, and the wounds on his legs became the flies’ favorite food..

We don’t know what to do with this adorable beagle. Did he go crazy after his dog lost? We rushed there as quickly as possible, but it was private property and the homeowner was not home so we had to wait outside

The injured hound kept looking at us begging for help and never left it’s side again. …It was heartbreaking to watch the poor boy try to use his mouth to catch the flies that would eat him…

There are many ways to give up your pet, why do people choose this difficult way for their poor beagle? After 3 hours, we received consent from the property owner and quickly responded

The poor dog acted so cute when we approached him. We can even see tears in his eyes

He had four broken legs, especially his two front legs…The vet needs to put an iron rod in each leg to stabilize the bones.

We named him Tristan – hoping to have a very affectionate and gentle dog who does not deserve such a fate. Look at his tail, even when he’s in so much pain. Tristan was still wagging his tail and smiling when he saw us.

16 days later. The first step in a new life! …Day 30 – Tristan can now do anything on his own… thanks GOD!

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