The Owner didn’t Want to Spend Money on Raising a Dog, so He used a Cable to Wrap Around the Poor Dog’s Neck and Tied it up in the Dark Abandoned House.. So Horrible!

An animal lover from outside of Udaipur saw a dog with a wire wrapped around and embedded in his neck and called us to rescue him.

This is one of the deepest and most disturbing wounds we’ve ever seen. To catch him, we were able to lure him into a portable kennel, and hurried him to our hospital.

We were extremely heartbroken when we saw that scene.. the poor dog with white fur.. but it seemed that his life was extremely dark..

The damage to his neck was horrendous. When we cut the wire off we were heartbroken to find that this wound was even worse than we’d suspected–maggots had burrowed into the deepest parts of the long gash. We immediately began treating the wound

Why do these dogs have to endure such terrible pain… do the demons think that by doing so the children will be able to endure it… so cruel

And the hurt to his trust ran even deeper.. However, with the immense love and affection of everyone here, she let down her guard so that she could receive the best treatment.

Look at her present! 45 days have passed, and she has broken through from the bottom of the abyss to have a new life that I’m sure she and her readers have been praying for! She has recovered significantly, her wound is 80% healed, and her hair has grown back
Thanks God!

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