A STORY YOU SHOULDN’T MISS: Broke my heart when his tail started wagging..he layed there for so long with no help he about was dead.. and he was shedding his last tears..

Since when has he been here? I’m not sure..

His weak breathing has sustained him until today, his ribs protrude from being starved for too long, his whole body has many wounds and broken bones from the accident. he can’t stand up!

When we arrived, even though I was seriously ill, the wag of my tail broke my heart, it was so heartbreaking! Such a lovely angel, why didn’t anyone save her?

lmmediately we took him to the rescue station, oh my God!
In addition to broken bones and malnutrition, he also suffered from canine malaria, which is the most fatal disease in dogs.

I’m not sure he’ll make it through today, He’s too weak to move.. is he shedding the last tears of his life?

Thank God, a miracle has come to our dog! After 14 days, she was out of danger and recovered very well. After 3 months, she was completely able to walk and her skin wounds were healed.

Can you congratulate her? Now she has been adopted by a kind family and has new friends. Surely this will also be his dream and that of other poor dogs around the world..

Please protect them!!!

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